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Housing Committee Minutes 06/07/10
Chilmark Housing Committee
Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 7, 2010 at 4:30 p.m.
Present:  Jim Feiner, chair, Andy Goldman, Bill Randol, Tim Lasker, Roland Kluver,
        Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant
Not Present: Sheila Muldaur

Call To Order:
Jim Feiner, chair, called the meeting to order at 4:35pm.

        New Business:
-Review of Island Plan Affordable Housing Strategies
                Todd attended the Joint Affordable Housing Group meeting at the MVC in May and during that meeting participants discussed various ways to increase total affordable housing options. It would be a stretch for smaller towns like Chilmark to add 10% more housing options over the next several years. Todd related to the Committee most of the more popular strategies that were considered.

       -August Community Discussion concerning Affordable Housing in Chilmark Town     Hall
                Todd discussed holding a public town forum to discuss how Chilmark might move forward and come up with various housing options and strategies. Mr. Goldman suggested the summer meeting with the Selectmen would be the perfect opportunity to discuss the progress and the needs in Chilmark.
        - The MVC will be assisting the island towns with their Development Strategies for 2010-11 Christine Flynn of the MVC would like to join the Chilmark Housing Committee for a discussion about how these strategies could help the town.

        - Update on MLR Ground Leases:
           The final version of the Middle line Road ground meetings have been signed by the       selectmen.   
        - Mr. Kluver and Todd updated the Committee on the progress with the rental duplexes.     We are getting ever closer to starting construction and should have a contractor in     place by mid July.
With no other new business to discuss, Mr. Feiner closed the meeting at 5:35 pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Todd Christy, Administrative Assistant.